
Hydrogen Week in Bulgaria

Feb. 5-10th, 2011, International Year of Chemistry

under the auspicious of the Prime Minister of Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Boyko Borissov
and the European Hydrogen Association

with the participation of Paul Lucchese,
President of the New European Research Grouping on fuel cells and Hydrogen (N.ERGHY), Paris, France.

Event Programme:

See photogallery of the event

Feb. 5-6

Visit to BG H2 Society and Hydrogen Technology Centre of University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM);

Feb. 7, 10 h, Assen Zlatarov Hall of UCTM

  • Chairman of the Opening Session of the Hydrogen Week is prof. Tzvety Tzvetkoff, CEO of BG H2 Society;
  • Address of the Rector of UCTM, prof. Boris Stefanov;
  • Opening of the Hydrogen Week in Bulgaria by Mrs. Traycho Traykov, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism and academicion Alexander Popov, President of BG H2 Society;
  • Hydrogen Economy of Europe” - academic lecture of Dr. Paul Lucchese;
  • “Hydrogen Technologies in Bulgaria” – Dr. Bogdan Tzvetkov, Scientific Secretary of BG H2 Society;
  • Acad. Alexande Popov gives the “Golden Sign of Honour” of BG H2 Society to Dr. Paul Lucchese;

Feb. 8

  • Visit to the Mayor of Sofia Mrs. Jordanka Fandakova and discussion: “Sofia – capital city on hydrogen fuel“;
  • Visit to the Institute of Electrochemical Energy Sources of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Director prof. Zdravko Stoynov and discussion “Current and future European projects in the field of Hydrogen Energy”;

Feb. 9

  • Visit to the President of Bulgarian Parliament Mrs. Tsetska Tsacheva, discussion “Hydrogen Economy and the Legislation”;
  • Meeting with Minister Traycho Traykov, discussion “Hydrogen and the National Priorities”;
  • Official Reception

Feb. 10


Secretary of the Organization Committee, 
Prof. Dr. Tzvety Tzvetkoff
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