
Bulgaria’s commitment for hydrogen deployment according to its NECP

According to its NECP, Bulgaria intends to enable the integration of hydrogen in its energy and mobility systems. It expects by 2030 an annual final hydrogen consumption of 32GWh in the transport sector, which will be facilitated by the planned deployment of hydrogen refuelling stations. The hydrogen will be produced with electrolysers using renewable electricity. According to Bulgaria’s NECP, the role of hydrogen in its energy and transport systems is expected to slowly uptake by 2030. Bulgaria’s Minister of Economy launched the process to prepare a new Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation 2021-2027, with the aim to further explore the deployment of electrochemical sources such as hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Bulgaria has an enabling environment to address the deployment of renewable hydrogen mainly in the transport sector, given at least one important pilot project announced, its commitment to deploy hydrogen refuelling stations, its involvement in the Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube1 and the H2Go2 IPCEI potential projects. Bulgaria was also involved in the HyLaw3 project, that identified and assessed major regulatory barriers, in view of prioritizing measures to address them.


Bulgaria’s Minister of Economy launched the process to prepare a new Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation 2021-2027. The previous Innovation Strategy for smart specialisation 2014-2020 did focus on the development of clean technologies, among which hydrogen-based applications. With this new Strategy, Bulgaria will further explore the deployment of electrochemical sources such as hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. A number of national energy and climate research programmes (e.g. “Low carbon energy for transport and households — EPU” and “Protection of the environment and reducing the risk of adverse events and natural disasters”) have already addressed the storage and conversion of renewable electricity and the deployment of hydrogen technologies. Bulgaria intends to diversify its sources of renewable energy for transport, with the deployment of electrical vehicles and the introduction of advanced biofuels and hydrogen. The NECP comprises the 2030 concrete target of a renewable electricity-based hydrogen consumption of 32GWh in the transport sector. The switch to alternative fuel vehicles will lead to significant infrastructure changes. To ensure the access to alternative fuels for a large public, Bulgaria plans to adapt its existing infrastructure and deploy hydrogen refuelling stations. Bulgaria will take concrete actions to stimulate the production of hydrogen with renewable-based electricity (through power-to-X). Bulgaria’s ‘excess’ supply of electricity generated from solar and wind power would be used for the production of hydrogen. Bulgaria expects around 47 GWh of renewable electricity to be dedicated to produce renewable hydrogen by 2030. To reach its renewable hydrogen target, Bulgaria expects total investments of around 3,45 million EUR. A pilot project for hydrogen production with a total installed capacity of 20 MW is planned. On the basis of this project, the further development of hydrogen capacities beyond 2030 will be analysed.

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Bulgarian Hydrogen Society won a project for equipment of applied science laboratories

BGH2 Society launched a project “Strengthening and capacity development of Bulgarian Hydrogen Society for implementation of successful programs for research and development by equipping applied science laboratories in the field of energy saving technologies. The project is financially supported by the Operational Program “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund and from the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

 The project aims to strengthen and develop the capacity of the Inter-University Research Centre Bulgarian Hydrogen Society for the implementation of successful programs for research and development. The funding is directed to renovation and modernization of the equipment needed for fulfillment of applied research in the field of innovation of eco and energy-saving technologies.

It’s expected that the newly created Institute for hydrogen technologies “Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke”, part of the BGH2 Society, will obtain equipment for four new laboratories: “Fuel cell and energy efficiency technology “,”Electrolysis and photoelectrolysis”, “Unconventional hydrogen technologies”.

The Institute for hydrogen technologies “Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke” will implement the National Program “Hydrogen technologies – Hydrogen energy”, as the objective of all project activities is the creation of favorable conditions for development of new innovative enterprises and accelerated commercialization of the hydrogen technologies.

General Motors and Honda Team Up in Fuel-Cell Technology

The goal of the two companies is to decrease technological expenses

New cooperation in the automotive sector will begin for General Motors and Honda Motors Co. The two companies will work together over the next seven years to develop the technology and refueling infrastructure needed to make fuel-cell powered vehicles for the masses a reality. Exchange of know-how will help reduce the technology costs and aims at meeting the growing global requirements for emission reducing.

Alliances make the business

Representatives commented that their mutual work will concentrate on building infrastructure, which is necessary for refilling Fuel Cell vehicles. Present technology is really expensive and is one of the reasons this type of cars is not so attractive. ”General Motors view hydrogen technologies as one of the possible alternatives for reducing the global dependence of oil”, Steve Girsky commented, GM Vice Chairman.

Hydrogen vehicles are more expensive than battery-powered electric vehicles, but are of interest to large companies in the industry, which have the money and the “know- how” for their development. There are many benefits over the battery-powered electric vehicles. They can run five times longer than electric cars, and it takes just minutes to fill the tank with hydrogen, compared with eight hours or so to recharge a battery. Honda has experience in the sector. The Japan company has developed one of the only two hydrogen vehicles in USA – Honda FCX Clarity. The joint venture with GM expected to give its first results in 2015.


One barrier to their widespread adoption is the high cost of the platinum needed to kick-start the chemical reaction within the fuel cell. The platinum alone adds thousands of dollars in costs to each vehicle. Lack of hydrogen fueling stations makes hydrogen fuel cell cars uncompetitive than the conventional ones. GM and Honda will work in alliance in this direction with the main goal of developing cheaper components for stations.

Know- how exchange is not a new phenomenon in the automotive industry. Toyota Motor Corp and BMW AG outlined plans to launch fuel-cell vehicles around 2020. Daimler AG, Ford and Nissan joint venture will be focused entirely on building cheaper hydrogen filling stations.


Annual Report 2011

The basic activity of BG H2 Society in 2011 could be summarized as follows:


1. National Programme

Priority of BG H2 Society is the development of the National Programme for scientific research “Hydrogen Technologies – Hydrogen Economy“.

At the end of 2010, the Programme was reported to the Prime Minister of R. Bulgaria, Mr. Boyko Borisov.

So far the Programme is supported by the following Ministry: of interior; of defence; of agriculture and food and of transport,  information technologies and telecommunication. A discussion with the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Mr. Traicho Traykov, which personally committed to the Programme, clarified that the Programme should start with Decision of the Council of Ministers, but as far as most of it is fundamental research, the leading Ministry should be the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science.

The Hydrogen Technology Centre (HTC) was found in 2009 within this Programme and for the new MSc course in Hydrogen Technologies at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. In the 2010/2011 university year, the HTC had 7 students.

2. Seventh Framework Programme

Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

HYDROHOUSE project was developed specially for FP7 in 2010, consequently revised in 2011 and currently its future application in FCH-JU 2012 is under discussion.


BG H2 Society participate in the principle European projects in the field of nuclear safety funded by EURATOM with beneficent Bulgarian Nuclear Power Plant “Kozloduy”. In 2010 it is a partner in the project “Prediction of the Effects of Radiation For reactor pressure vessel and in-core Materials using multi-scale modelling – 60 years foreseen plant lifetime (PERFORM60)”.

In August 2011, a framework contract was signed between BG H2 Society and NPP “Kozloduy” for the application of the results from these projects in nuclear safety.

Other international projects

BG H2 Society is a partner in the European project for investigation of the corrosion resistance of the copper containers for nuclear wastes: „Long-Term Interaction of Copper with Deoxygenated Aqueous Solution”(2008-2012 г.).

National Fund

BG H2 Society  fulfils a project in the field of hydrogen generation “Pulse electrolysis as a high efficient method for generation of hydrogen gas mixtures“. The other project partners are the Hydrogen Technology Centre and the University of Mining and Geology and it has been funded by the National Scientific Fund (2011-2013).

The project started 01.2011 and there is one PhD student working.


List with the most recent scientific activity of the members of BG H2 Society can be found here.


1. Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)

BG H2 Society participated in the Annual Meeting of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation in Istanbul, Turkey between 08-10.11.2010. The seminar was aimed at the hydrogen technologies in the Black Sea region. The achievements in Bulgaria in the field of Hydrogen technologies were reported.

2. Hydrogen Week in Bulgaria

In 05-10.02 2011, in the International year of Chemistry, BG H2 Society organised the “Hydrogen Week in Bulgaria” under the auspicious of the Prime Minister of Republic of Bulgaria and the European Hydrogen Association. President of the Organizing Committee was the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Mr. Traycho Traykov. The event was visited also by the President of the New European Research Grouping on fuel cells and Hydrogen (N.ERGHY).

3. Seminar of the European Parliament

Delegation of BG H2 Society headed by the President prof. Alexander Popov, took part in the seminar of the European Parliament on 15.03.2011 in Bruxells entitled “Hydrogen: the fuel of the future European Energy and Mobility”.

The activity of BG H2 Society as well as the scientific activity of R. Bulgaria in the field of hydrogen technologies were presented before the members of the members of the Parliament. There also were presentation of Euro-commissioners, director of FCH-JTI and other hydrogen committed organisations like NOW, HyRaMP, EHA etc.


In the last General Assembly of the New European Research Grouping on fuel cells and Hydrogen (N.ERGHY), held on 18.05.2011 in Berlin, BG H2 Society was accepted as a member.


 Introduction in the Advanced Hydrogen Technologies

Special course for teachers in Chemistry and Environment Protection in Sofia was prepared. The course programme was approved by the Mayer of Sofia and the course is to be held in Sofia.


The BG H2 Publishing House printed the Monograph “Chemical Bond and Molecule Structure” (I. Dukov, Tz. Tzvetkoff, in Bulgarian).

At present two monographs are in print: “Nanotechnologies in Nuclear Power Industry“ (Tz. Tzvetkoff, B. Tzvetkov, in Bulgarian) and “Electrochemical Processes in Molten Electrolytes“ (I. Dukov, Tz. Tzvetkoff, in Bulgarian).

For scientific publication, please consult the List of Publications.


PRESIDENT of BG H2 Society,

prof. Alexander Popov
(full member of Academy) 



HYDROHOUSE project was developed specially for FP7, FCH-JU and ”Energy-efficient Buildings” (EeB.NMP.2012-2: Systemic Approach for retrofitting existing buildings, including envelope upgrading, high performance lighting systems, energyefficient HVAC systems and renewable energy generation systems).

The basic idea behind the project is to develop a Renewable Energy Combined Heat & Power Co-generation System (RE-CHP) as a new innovative and competitive concept for the new emerging Combined Heat and Power (CHP) co-generating systems, a kind of step ahead in comparison to existing systems that are already reaching the market.

The final product is to be a proof-of-concept of a CHP system consisting of a single module, easy to install, maintain, and transport; with feasible cost-efficiency at least in the short run. The system will be fed by Renewable Energy Source (RES), for the purpose of this project – photovoltaic (wind or geothermal sources could be viable alternatives). In other words, the house equipped with this system could be heat and power independent of the grid with up to zero Greenhouse Emissions (GHE).

The overall goal is to create a CHP which will be able to replace the existing local heating systems of district houses, in some cases to be integrated into them to attain minimum installation efforts. Optionally, this could be combined with an inverter system to enhance the Energy Management System (EMS, which include power and heat management) efficiency and to capture the energy dissipating from the energy storage system and possibly from the photovoltaic system.
